The French movie “Intouchables” was released in 2011. This movie, directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano, was met with great success across the entire world.
Driss, played by Omar Sy and Philippe, a billionaire played by Francois Cluzet meet during a job interview for a full time care giver position as the businessman became heavily handicapped after a paragliding accident.
The movie portrays two social groups that couldn’t be more opposite. And still, the differences between the two men end up building the strongest friendship ever. Driss discovers an unknown world while handling personal issues on the side and Philippe cheers up and enjoys life again thanks to a man who blows out taboos and swipes away conservative social norms.
This funny and deep movie reached the French people and hit them right in the heart. It has been rewarded with many awards across the globe! “Intouchables” is the most profitable movie ever shot in another language (other than English) with its $445 million dollar income. In the United States it ranks #3 within the French movies shot in French with 1,600,000 viewers.
But did you know that this movie was inspired by a real story? It’s about the real life of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, tetraplegic, and Abdel Yasmin Sellou, his care giver. Indeed, the two men make a guest star appearance side by side in the movie.
The success was so huge that other countries issued their own “Intouchables”: In 2016 the Indian movie “Oopiri” and the Argentine “Inseparables”. An American version, directed by Neil Burger, is planned to be released on January 11, 2019 and is titled “The Upside”. Brazil and Turkey will also unveil very soon their own version of the iconic “Intouchables”.
View the original French trailer below:
View the trailer for the American remake below: