Eiffel Tower Vertical: The 2018 challenge is open !

If you are among the 250 million people who visited the Eiffel Tower since its opening in 1889, you may have climbed the “Tall lady” staircases up to the second floor. But at the second floor it is mandatory to take an elevator if you are willing to access the third floor up to 234 m (1,063 feet) high to enjoy an amazing view of Paris and visit Gustave Eiffel’s office that has been rebuilt.… Read More

Work: USA vs. France

One of the main differences between life in France and life in the US resides in the working world.

First, finding a job is a lot easier in the United States than it is in France but it is also a lot easier to lose your position.

The job search happens the same way in both countries except the resume is different.… Read More