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The Basque culture enjoys a great diversity thanks to its neighboring influences. Some examples of their traditions are:
- Basque pelota. The root of this ball game can be traced back to the French medieval paume (meaning palm) game from the 13th century.
La Chandeleur : A French Celebration!
Every year on February 2nd, French people celebrate La Chandeleur. On this date, we used to cook crepes, that we would then flip in the skillet while holding a golden coin in the hand, which will bring us luck all year long.
Originally, crepes parties were part of a casual winter family routine that the Catholics picked as the celebration of Jesus Presentation to the Temple.… Read More
Why is McDonald’s better in France?
If you have been to a McDonald’s restaurant in both countries, you most likely noticed huge differences.
- Restaurants are decorated nicer, look newer, and are better equipped in France.
- Menus are (much !) more elaborate, with a wider range of ingredients.
Top 5 Local Markets in Paris
A symbol of gathering and of the famous French fraternity, markets are an important part of Parisian life. We urge you to add them to your go-to list during your visit of the Capitale. Here is a selection of the most beautiful markets in Paris, in our opinion:
- The Marché d’Aligre: is an iconic indoor/outdoor market which is open every day.
What is French Cuisine?
To make a long story short, there is not ONE French cuisine. We would be better off speaking about French gastronomy, which includes all of the French cuisines. Each one comes from a different region, with both it’s differences as well as common characteristics.… Read More