Friendship in France is experienced differently than in the United States. In the United States, people call an acquaintance, a friend very quickly. Whereas in France, a friend is a person we have known for a long time. It is also a person who has proven to be reliable and trustworthy.… Read More
Neighbor’s Day
May 29th in France is “Neighbors Day”. However, exceptionally this year, it will take place on September 18th. Instead, on May 29th, French neighbors will celebrate « Neighbors Day on their balconies and at their windows”. The means of communication will be explained on their website.… Read More
Lily of the Valley Celebration
In France, May 1st is the day that workers’ rights are celebrated and the day people give each other lily of the valley.
Lily of the valley is a flower adorned with little white bell-shaped flowers and long green leaves. It blossoms in the Spring thus celebrates the return of beautiful weather.… Read More
Let’s travel to France …. To the Basque Country! (Part 3)
« Ongi Etorri ! » « Welcome ! »
The Basque culture enjoys a great diversity thanks to its neighboring influences. Some examples of their traditions are:
- Basque pelota. The root of this ball game can be traced back to the French medieval paume (meaning palm) game from the 13th century.
Let’s travel to France …. To the Basque Country! (Part 2)
« Ongi Etorri ! » « Welcome ! »
Basque Country also possesses a rich and tumultuous history. In fact, between Roman invasions in 196 and the Franco dictatorship that started in 1939, the history of the Basque people is “imprinted with pride, oppression and fierce struggles”.… Read More