You don’t want to be like any other tourist? Are you looking for something different for your stay in France? Let the adventurer in you take over and spend your nights in the most unusual French hotels.
A Night in a Light House
Spend one night where only the sound of the waves disturb your peace.… Read More
Top 9 Cultural differences between France and the U.S.A
I have been living in the US for the last 3 years. Long enough to notice the following every-day habits between France and the US…. that change your life!
- Doggy Bags: A routine thing people in the US, which is close to inconceivable for a French native.
Top 5: Sports in France
France ranks 5th in the world for sports after the United States, Russia, China and Germany.
- Soccer is by far the most popular French sport with 2 Million players.
- Tennis, which has half the amount of players is actually a British adaptation of a French medieval game: Le jeu de paume.